Insolvency Reform Secretariats - R3 and Commander Trevor Traylor, MBE, C de G (Secretary)

Following communications with Ms Natascha Engel MP, and in particular her parliamentary researcher, Ms Stephanie Poulter, it has come to my attention that R3 are to provide the Secretariat function to the new All Party Parliamentary Group on Insolvency (APPGI). This fact put me in mind of Commander Trevor Traylor MBE, C de G, the Secretary to the Cork Committee (Insolvency Law and Practice, Report of the Review Committee. Cmnd 8558. HMSO, London, 1982, see also: A Revised Framework for Insolvency Law. Cmnd. 91775. London, HMSO, 1984). On Commander Traylor's role on the Cork Committee see also: Carruthers, BG & Halliday, TC. Rescuing Business: The making of Corporate Bankruptcy law in England and the United States. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1998, at page 126. In addition to his Member of the British Empire medal (MBE), Commander Traylor also held a Croix de Guerre (C de G), a French military decoration.

Professor David Graham QC has the following fond memories of Commander Traylor:
"I had the privilege of working with him not only on the main Cork Report but also on the earlier reports on harmonisation with European laws. He had, I think, been for some years in the Official Receiver service and brought wide experience to the task, not only of providing secretarial services to both committees, but also organising research and assembling of material. He was especially keen that the main Cork Report should be written in a clear and attractive English style; it is not generally known that we had the benefit of a language specialist who read the final drafts to ensure simplicity of language. Trevor's overall contribution to insolvency law reform deserves to be remembered an honoured."
Further information on the APPGI can be seen on the Parliamentary Register of All-Party Groups (at page 376): 

"TITLE Insolvency All-Party Parliamentary Group

PURPOSE To provide a forum for high-level discussion between Parliament and key stakeholders in the insolvency industry; and to act as a resource for Parliamentarians to learn more about major

issues relating to personal and business financial failure, recovery and prevention (including

turnaround and restructuring activity for companies and businesses).



R3, the Association of Business Recovery Professionals, provides administrative assistance (information about the group; help with organising events).



30 March 2009


Picture Credit: Royal Navy Commander Insignia.
