Accountancy Age has published an interesting article which sees some IPs pitched against the Insolvency Service (IS) in relation to the recently announced job cuts and the effect that these may have on the administration of bankruptcy. Essentially, the quoted IPs are opining that the IS is cutting back too swiftly. This may of course lead to an increase in work for IPs. See here for the full story which is entitled: Insolvency Service optimism could boost the profession.
If IPs, or their advising counsel, are not too busy dealing with a flood of bankruptcy cases they may wish to consider applying for the recently announced vacancy on the Insolvency Rules Committee. The advert notes:
"Insolvency Rules Committee
Barrister Member (IRC2011BAR)
Accountant Member (IRC2011ACC)
The Insolvency Rules Committee is an advisory Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) which was established under Section 10 of the Insolvency Act.
The Insolvency Rules Committee is appointed under section 413 of the Insolvency Act 1986 for the purpose of being consulted by the Lord Chancellor before making any rules under section 411 (company insolvency rules) or section 412 (individual insolvency rules) of the Act. The Committee is comprised of a judge of the High Court attached to the Chancery Divisions and various members of the Judiciary, legal and accountancy professions, including a serving barrister and practicing accountant.
The Committee is an unfunded NDPB whose members provide their services on a voluntary and unremunerated basis, but can claim reasonable expenses. The cost of these expenses and the provision of the secretariat for the Committee is provided by The Insolvency Service.
The appointment of both members will be made by the Justice Secretary in consultation with the Lord Chief Justice. Appointments are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA).
Time Commitment
The management of the work of the committee is a matter for the chairman of the committee and it does vary according to the volume of work and the nature of the legislative changes made. The role of the committee, in advising the Lord Chancellor, is to ensure that the legislative changes proposed to the rules will effectively deliver the proposed policy.
Meetings of the committee are arranged on the basis of need and not more frequently then 2 or 3 times a year. Those meetings are held in London, usually at the offices of The Insolvency Service.
We welcome applications from candidates regardless of ethnicity, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, gender identity or any other irrelevant factor.
For further details and an application form please email [] or telephone 0203 334 4017 quoting reference IRC2011BAR for the Barrister post and IRC2011ACC for the Accountant post.
Alternatively, you can visit
The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 16 February 2011."
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