A number of interesting judgments have been selected for inclusion in the latest edition of the BPIRs by the editors (Paul French, Jonathan Middleton and Professor David Milman), a number of which have been mentioned on this blog previously. The cases reported in the latest edition of Jordan's BPIR, include:
"[2009] BPIR 737Bateman and Another v Hyde and Others [2009] EWHC 81 (Ch)ChD, His Honour Judge Pelling QC sitting as a High Court judge, 6 February 2009- BANKRUPTCY - Post-petition disposition - Transfer and re-mortgage - Extent to which disposition by the bankrupt - Extent to which disposition void - Insolvency Act 1986, ss 284(1), (6)- BANKRUPTCY - Post-petition disposition - Transfer and re-mortgage - Applicability of overreaching - Extent to which mortgagee entitled to subrogation - Law of Property Act 1925, s 27, Land Registration Act 2008, s 86[2009] BPIR 748Bateman v Williams and AnotherWrexham CC, His Honour Judge Jarman QC, 26 November 2008- BANKRUPTCY - Family home - Sale and possession - Exoneration - Insolvency Act 1986, s 323[2009] BPIR 762The Charit-Email Technology Partnership LLP v Vermillion International Investments Ltd [2009] EWHC 388 (Ch)ChD, Sir Andrew Morritt Chancellor of the High Court, 13 February 2009- WINDING-UP PETITION PROCEDURES - Whether contributory can appear on hearing of petition where no surplus likely- LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIPS (LLPS) - Whether established practice for determining right to appear on petitions for winding up of companies applied to LLPsContributories - Determination of status[2009] BPIR 769C Putnam & Sons v Taylor and Another [2009] EWHC 317 (Ch)ChD, His Honour Judge Purle QC, 29 January 2009- CHARGING ORDER - Family home - Sale and possession - Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, ss 14 and 15 - European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950[2009] BPIR 778Dennis Rye Ltd v Bolsover District Council [2009] EWCA Civ 372CA, Mummery and Elias LJJ, 6 May 2009- Winding-up petition - Disputed debt - Cross claim - Whether cross claim genuine and serious- WINDING-UP PETITION - Unpaid council tax - Liability order - Extent to which Companies Court will look behind liability order[2009] BPIR 785Haghighat (A Bankrupt) (No 2), Re [2009] EWHC 934 (Ch)ChD, George Bompas QC sitting as a deputy judge of the High Court, 28 April 2009- BANKRUPTCY - Family home - Order for possession - Review of possession order - Insolvency Act 1986, s 375[2009] BPIR 810Hunt v Yearwood-Grazette [2009] EWHC 2112 (Ch)ChD, Proudman J, 7 April 2009- TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY - Determination of fees claim - Time costs - Importance of value for money[2009] BPIR 820Lewis and Lewis v Metropolitan Property Realisations Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 448CA, Laws and Thomas LJJ and Mann J, 12 June 2009- BANKRUPTCY - Dwelling house - Realisation of interest in dwelling house by a trustee in bankruptcy - Meaning of 'realises' - Insolvency Act 1986, s 283A[2009] BPIR 834Marsh (In Bankruptcy), Re, Casey v WhitworthPortsmouth CC, District Judge Cawood, 22nd August 2008- BANKRUPTCY - Transaction at an undervalue - Valuation of consideration - Money or money's worth - Whether transaction at significant undervalue - Insolvency Act 1986, s 339- BANKRUPTCY - Transaction at an undervalue - Relevant time - Insolvency - Whether individual insolvent at time of or as a result of the transaction - Insolvency Act 1986, s 341[2009] BPIR 854Nolan v Wright [2009] EWHC 305 (Ch)ChD, His Honour Judge Hodge QC sitting as a High Court judge, 26 February 2009- EXTORTIONATE CREDIT BARGAIN - Reopening extortionate credit bargain - Limitation - Limitation Act 1980, ss 8 and 9[2009] BPIR 870Qayyum v Hameed and Another [2009] EWCA Civ 352CA, Pill, Moore-Bick and Etherton LJJ, 27 April 2009- BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN PROPERTY - Identification and variation of beneficial interests - Constructive trust - Innocent misrepresentation - Rescission[2009] BPIR 882R (Mohammed) v The London Borough of Southwark [2009] EWHC 311 (Admin)QBD, Geraldine Andrews QC sitting as a deputy High Court judge, 24 February 2009- BANKRUPTCY - Council tax - Liability to pay as at date of bankruptcy order - Nature of council tax liability - Extent of bankruptcy debt - Ability of council to seek liability order for pre- and post-bankruptcy council tax - Insolvency Act 1986, s 285[2009] BPIR 892Rayden and Another v Edwardo Ltd and Another [2008] EWHC 2689 (Comm)QBD, Gloster J, DBE, 5 November 2008- WINDING UP - Solvent companies - Application of mandatory set-off rule in the Insolvency Rules 1986, r 4.90- SET OFF - Application of Insolvency Rules 1986, r 4.90 to solvent liquidations- GUARANTEES - Primary obligations of guarantor- RESCISSION - Where right to rescission may be lost - Affirmation - Restitutio in integrum[2009] BPIR 909Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform v Neufeld and Howe[2009] EWCA Civ 280CA, Rix, Toulson and Rimer LJJ, 2 April 2009- REDUNDANCY PAYMENTS AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - Claim by director/ controlling shareholder of insolvent company against National Insurance Fund - Whether claimant an employee - Factors to be taken into account[2009] BPIR 945Shaw v Doleman [2009] EWCA Civ 279CA, Mummery, Stanley Burnton and Elias LJJ, 1 April 2009- LEASES - Assignment of lease - Disclaimer of lease by liquidator of assignee of lease - Unpaid rent - Liability of original guarantor of lease- LANDLORD AND TENANT (COVENANTS) ACT 1995 - Impact upon assigning tenants who act as guarantors[2009] BPIR 958Sinclair v Glatt and Others [2009] EWCA Civ 176CA, Longmore, Stanley Burnton, and Elias LJJ, 13 March 2009- RECEIVER - Appointment by court - Remuneration, costs and expenses - Meaning of realisable property - Whether receiver to have recourse to assets beneficially owned by others for purposes of meeting receivership remuneration, costs and expenses - Criminal Justice Act 1988, ss 71, 74, 80, 88, 89, 102."
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