The Insolvency Service has issued the following statement on the Insolvency Rules modernisation process:
"Following the introduction of the new modernised insolvency advertising regime on 6 April 2009, The Insolvency Service is proceeding with the preparation and delivery of the remaining modernisation changes identified for the Insolvency Rules which are planned to come into force on 6 April 2010. Thereafter, all amendments to the Insolvency Rules will be taken into a new set of Rules which are planned to come into force on 6 April 2011.
The further modernisation proposals planned for April 2010 are subject to the successful passage of a Legislative Reform Order (LRO) that is currently going through the Parliamentary process. This will make necessary changes to the Insolvency Act to allow the Rules to provide for matters such as e-delivery of insolvency notices and the use of websites for sending reports and other documents to creditors.
We have recently sent a draft of the modernisation changes proposed for April 2010 to the Insolvency Rules Committee, who are required to be consulted on amendments to the Rules before they are laid before Parliament. The expectation is that they will have completed that consideration and signed off the amendments by the end of November 2009 to enable the Rules to be made early in the New Year, a few months before they are planned to come into force on 6 April 2010.
Policy officials are keen to help the insolvency profession and other stakeholders prepare for what will be a substantial raft of changes coming into force in April 2010. With this in mind, The Insolvency Service is preparing a version of the current Insolvency Rules as if they had been amended by the proposed amendments planned for April 2010. This is expected to be published on The Insolvency Service’s website by early September 2009 and will contain tracked changes highlighting the amendments. To the extent that it has been possible, this document will reflect those suggestions that stakeholders have made to our earlier consultations. Given the timeframe for delivery of the Rules amendments, the version that will be published should not be seen as a further consultation but as an aid to planning for the modernisation changes.
To provide further assistance to stakeholders, The Insolvency Service is planning to hold a stakeholder conference at 21 Bloomsbury Street, London during the afternoon of Wednesday 14 October 2009 to discuss and explain the nature of the principle modernisation changes proposed for April 2010. Invitations will be sent out over the next month and numbers will be restricted. However, should any practitioners or interested persons wish to be added to the invitation list please feel free to contact us at the address below.
Any enquiries regarding the above should be directed towards Neil Ogilvie, Policy Unit, Zone B, 3rd Floor, 21 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3QW; e-mail Neil.Ogilvie@insolvency.gsi.gov.uk"
Picture Credit: http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/